时间:2020-08-04 06:19:54当前位置:句子汇 → 简爱经典句子英文



I feel that everything in the world belongs to me, because you are in love with me.


Learn to look at each other with understanding and appreciation instead of taking care of each other with self righteous concern.


I dream that other people love me just as I love others. It's indescribable happiness.


Since the trial could not be avoided, we had to put up with it.


The man abandoned by fate is always forgotten by his friends.


Men get worse when they have money. Yes, many men do. However, even if they don't have money, they are no better.


Human nature is so imperfect! Even the brightest planets have such black spots.


She was buried in the cemetery at brockler bridge. For fifteen years after her death, her grave was just a mound of grass.


It is much better to bear the pain that only you feel, than to act rashly, to cause evil results and to involve relatives and friends.


People will not easily feel satisfied, he must often move, if there is no activity, we must try our best to create activities.


When hunger catches me like a raptor, loneliness is not loneliness, and rest is no rest.


Within the desolate and rocky borders, it was like a prison, the limit of exile.


Our spirit is equal. Just as you and I walk through the grave and stand before God equally.


Sea can dry, stone can rot, my love for you, will never change.


I know I am poor, I am not good-looking, but I also have the right to love.


Do you think I can stay and be somebody you don't think matters? Do you think I'm a machine?


Although there are many things that can cause disappointment, there is nothing that can cool down or expel love.


If I were, I wish the earth would crack and swallow me.


You are acting a funny play. I can only laugh at it.


If you can't avoid it, it's your job to endure. If you are destined to endure, it is weakness to say that you can't stand it.


If you can't avoid it, you have to put up with it. It is a sign of weakness and stupidity that you can't stand what you are meant to endure in your life.


The inanimate things are still the same, and the living things are totally different.


The fire of love is kindled in our hearts and we will be fused together from now on.


But if you can't avoid it, you have to put up with it. It is a sign of weakness and stupidity to be intolerant of what is destined to be endured.


If you really love a person, you should try to make him happy. If he is happy, you will be happy, then both sides will have passion.


When I get beaten for no reason, we should fight back!


A lover finds his lover sleeping on a mossy bank, hoping to catch a glimpse of her beautiful face without waking her up.


Because I am a humble woman, I have no right to love you.


Even for people like me, there are still a few rays of sunshine in life.


I have a soul like you and a complete heart!


You're wrong! My soul is the same as yours, and my heart is exactly the same as yours!


It doesn't matter if you fall in love with a person who has a lot of differences in living habits. You should be careful when you get married. Think about whether you can endure the difference for a long time.


Don't use gentle call to fascinate me, don't use Tingting's beautiful shadow to make me move, don't make me suffer from torture with affectionate eyes.


You have no right to be born because you don't make life useful.


There is not a more whimsical idiot, so credulous sweet lies, the poison as wine to swallow.


There was no cloud or wind in the air, there was a scorching sun overhead, and all the trees stood listlessly and lazily.


Until I met you, I felt my own existence, and I was reluctant to leave you, although you said so firmly.


When the dew falls, all sounds are quiet, and the dusk is getting thicker, I feel as if I can linger in this thick shade forever.


Sitting in the sun is quiet and comfortable.


Violence is not the best way to eliminate hatred. Similarly, revenge can never cure harm.


I have the same soul and as much emotion as you.


From today on, sir, I will never leave you.


Do you think that I am poor, humble, ordinary and insignificant, so I have no soul and no feelings?


In July, through the blue sky, hanging fireball like the sun, clouds as if burned by the sun, also disappeared.


In the rusty air, I stomped my feet and waited anxiously at the end of the long line, cursing the damned cold day.


True friendship is not a vine. It will jump up overnight and wither in a day.


As long as I can often meet you, I feel happy; as long as I cuddle up to your petite body, I won't be lonely.


The first time I retaliated, I tasted it, like drinking. Just a drink, sweet and mellow, but after the mouth full of bitterness.


The early summer sun from the dense layers of branches and leaves transmission down, the ground is full of copper coin size of the sparkling spot.


Life is too short to hate someone so long.


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