时间:2020-08-01 08:34:17当前位置:句子汇 → 幸福的英文句子



Trees in, mountains in, earth in, years in, I in, how do you want a better world?


Love is a kind of sweet pain. Sincere love never takes a smooth path.


I recognize you in the crowd at a glance, because they are on the road, you are on my heart.


I was just eating my wife's cake. I cried while I was eating it. Even the cake had a wife. I didn't have one.


Some people treat you well because you are good to him. Some people treat you well because they know you are good.


Since I like you, I have been out of gravity, because my center of gravity has become you.


There must be something wrong with my eyes, because my eyes are always helpless to move away from your side.


There will always be someone who will let you give up all your pride, smile and say to him, please give me more advice for the rest of your life.


Love and I said: to the old time, you die first, the pain of the death of love let me bear.


But I miss you so much. I want to stay with you and do nothing.


Once you laugh, I can be happy for several days; but if you cry once, I feel sad for several years.


You fell in love with me at the first sight. I saw you as before. It was you who met for the first time, and you for the rest of my life.


I like you very much, just like the weather forecast says there will be rain tomorrow, I can hear you tomorrow.


Happiness is: buy two lollipops, one you watch me eat, the other I eat to show you!


I have seen the tender buds of spring, the green leaves of summer, and the rain in autumn is not as good as you who only appear in winter.


Singing hoarse songs in the corner, no matter how loud it is for you, please listen carefully and don't speak.


Dream of you, sweet incomparable; heart have you, rich incomparable; around you, happiness is incomparable.


You come to the world, you want to see the sun and walk on the street with your sweetheart.


I'm not interested to know how small the probability of meeting you is. I just want to change the probability of losing you to zero.


I'm a sleepless wild horse. I don't love your grassland, but I just want to be a kitten in your arms.


You see, so many people, such a big world. I met you and you met me. splendid.


One day, you will meet a rainbow like gorgeous people, thumping and heartbeat, just like me.


Many people want to be with you, but no one like me, want to be with you forever.


Recently, I have gained weight. I have never eaten it secretly. I just put you in my heart.


I can't give you the best in the world, but I will give you the best.


When I realize that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I just want the rest of my life to start soon.


No matter how big the world is, how far away the river is, the only thing I want to hold is your hand.


Rose blossoms full of memory of the wall, I nestle in your arms, nostalgia for the end of time.


From my rough life to squeeze all tender, all dedication to you, still feel insufficient.


The happiest thing is a girl with a bad temper, and a good tempered boy has been spoiling her.


Want to become a midsummer night firefly, as long as you seize your attention, has been satisfied.


Three lucky to meet you, life is only two lucky, once met you, a walk to the end.


Before I met you, I met you.


Smile is a spring, to the summer sowing cool; smile is a kite, flying freely in the sky.


After eating too much soft rice, I get used to it. People like you who don't have a wife's protection don't understand.


The love of youth is a heavy rain, even if I have a cold, I still hope to be drenched again.


When there is one person in the world, others will make do with it, but I will not.


Like a person's feeling, probably is listening to others discuss love, I only think of you.


If you are tired one day and you don't rely on it, please fall back. I'm always behind you.


There is no reason to fall in love with a person. After falling in love with her, everything becomes a reason.


I know love must be free to be happy, but I would rather stay by your side and accompany you through.


Leave the pain and sadness to yourself. Don't let out the pain by hurting the one you love.


Happiness is a piece of cake in poverty and a look of heart to heart in adversity.


Your name is only two words, although it can not form a sentence, but it has filled my heart.


I do not admire the past life, nor look forward to the next life, I just ask for this life with you hand in hand!


The best thing I can think of is to be loved by you every day I like you.


I just want to be your little devil. As long as you attack me, I will immediately attack you in your arms.


You think you are happy, you are happy, happiness and unhappiness are in your own heart.


The strongest feeling in the world is not "I love you", but "I am used to having you".


With you, my happy world can hear, my happiness has no end.


I like the flowers in spring, the trees in summer, the dusk in autumn, the sunshine in winter, and you every day.


Love people suitable for romantic love, pet your talent suitable for growing old together.


Love exists in the desire for dedication and regards the lover's happiness as his own.


Would you like to experience the feeling of not being single with me? I've been proud for more than ten years, and I'll give it up when I see you.


I can't say why I love you, but I know that you are the reason why I don't love others.


Good feelings are like the hands of a clock. Although they only meet occasionally, they are always closely connected.


I am not a person with long-term plan, but because of you, I began to plan how to live my life.


I am willing to stay by your side all my life, because I love you so much.


Fortunately, the end of the story is not the end, you are still with me, we are still together.


To like you is to live without any coincidence in life as evidence that we may be together.


Once I wanted to conquer the whole world, but when I looked back, I found that you are the world.


For a road maniac, the most worthy of tears is: you stand there, don't move, I'll pick you up.


Because I don't want to meet someone better than me.


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