时间:2020-07-28 06:11:18当前位置:句子汇 → 英文优美短句



No matter how long the road is, you can walk step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without opening your feet.


Life, need to pursue; dream, need to adhere to; life, need to cherish; but the road of life, more need to be strong.


The early summer sun from the dense layers of branches and leaves transmission down, the ground is full of copper coin size of the sparkling spot.


When you feel that the taste of life has changed, even if you are halfway there, have the courage to reverse the direction.


Rose and love are so similar, blooming rose will fall one by one, love to the top, will step by step into tears.


Crescent just climbed on the branches, sprinkled a light, hazy light, gently soft, a wisp into the orchard.


We have always wanted to learn to be calm. In fact, we don't need to learn about it. If we experience more, we will be calm.


Life is short, choose your own direction, do not expect everyone's understanding, keep the original intention.


Even if action leads to mistakes, it also brings learning and growth; inaction means stagnation and atrophy.


On the way home, I was very sad. The foot is like a piece of iron, so heavy to walk.


On their own, no matter how long the road is, you can walk step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without opening your feet.


There are always a few such people in the world who have high demands on life and are unwilling to be stupid and rude.


Everyone is using others to achieve their own goals; but I like you, even if I know there is no result.


The fireworks in the sky are like the petals of a fairy in the sky.


When we try to be better than we are now, everything around us will be better.


The wind, light and leisurely blowing the bamboo forest, bamboo leaves in a slight vibration, really like a long and thin mouth in murmuring.


When we were young, we gave up thinking that it was just a relationship. Later we learned that it was actually a life.


Everyone has many dreams in their life, but if one of them keeps bothering you, all that remains is action.


In the company, if you are the best, never tell anyone that you are the best, even if you are.


Youth is just a kind of squandering, we are together, we seem to be together without beginning and end.


Pomegranate ripe, they have a baby like lovely round face and smile, competing to report the good news of maturity to people.


People, to a certain age, are with some worries, with some unspeakable pain, every day to live happily.


In the warm wind of early spring, the fluttering yellow flowers of the phoenix tree are floating all over the sky, like the strange snow falling in the sky.


Life is different from movies. Life is much harder. If you don't go out for a walk, you think this is the world.


A bunch of lights on her, the long wall and beautiful turret reflected on the river, silver, very moving.


Life can be plain, just like the blue lake under the blue sky; life can also be poetry, singing in the gallop all the way.


In a colorful bubble of hope wasted time, waste of youth.


His black face was covered with a thick beard, like a clump of trampled grass.


A touch of sentimental mood, like thousands of twisted silk, tightly wrapped in that thin body, people suffocate.


During the meeting, we should keep a steady mind, pay attention to what we say and do, and don't be rash.


My advice to young people can be summed up in three words, that is, work hard, work harder and work to the end.


Everyone is different, will send out their own light, light up their own world and dream.


Company and understanding are more important than love. Love is not to change each other, but to grow up together.


Don't be angry, try to win, breakthrough, envy, appreciation, procrastination, positivity and action.


Encounter is always caught off guard, and parting is more premeditated for a long time, there are too many stories without ending, you should be used to meeting and parting.


Sometimes I always feel that I don't care, but when everything turns into memories, I find that I can't bear the feeling of loss.


The full moon is like a bright mirror, inlaid in the dark gray sky without a trace of dark clouds.


At dusk, a crescent moon rises quietly. Around it, there are a few stars that give out faint light.


Prosperity is not necessarily a good thing, because it is easy to make people comfortable, and adversity is not necessarily a bad thing, because it often makes people strive.


The moon rises from the middle of the river silently, round and bright, like a silver plate.


There is no reward in the world to encourage hard work. All rewards are only used to reward the results of work.


For human beings, friendship is an act of exchange. Without the next exchange, friendship will not continue.


Summer night is very quiet, only frog calls, everything seems so quiet.


In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers are blooming, red, purple, pink and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet.


Suddenly, thunder shower came, like a thousand chivalrous men roaring in the sky, and like a thousand drunken poets chanting in the clouds.


It was eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and the bright sunshine covered the leaves with gold and silver rings.


The night light is really unpredictable, colorful, people deeply intoxicated in it.


Young people see that the road of life is full of brilliant flowers, and the old people see the beautiful setting sun.


Chang'an Street is full of bright lights, the endless stream of cars, lights flashing, like the Milky way from the sky.


Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy to be covered up by habit, blurred by time, and consumed by inertia.


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