时间:2020-07-27 06:48:14当前位置:句子汇 → 英文唯美句子带翻译



I like you every day, and today is just one of them.


Tell yourself, now you can't mix up again crazy again lazy, the future is very important.


I'm ok, not good or bad, not surprised or happy, everything is just OK. I think this kind of life is also very good.


I like you best among all the sceneries that have changed.


You said that the high place is too cold, I will bow my hand to please you.


Because you are in my heart, the scenery along the way is so beautiful.


One can be destroyed, but not defeated.


One day, you will stand in the brightest place and live the way you once wanted to be.


It is my heart too Lingding, in order to remember, your ten years of Rong Yin.


If you are destined to be a person at the bottom of your umbrella, you will never give up.


Where you are, the weather is clear and everything is lovely.


Turn around, leaving a person sad silence; bleak, dense in the melancholy back.


All the surprises and good luck in the world are your accumulated gentleness and kindness.


Memory would like to pour in the palm of the water, whether you spread out or tightly grasp, or from the fingers drop by drop flowing clean.


Summer night, occasionally looked up, met a small and light moon.


Green trees and green walls, moon shadow Ying lake, plain hand pen, the heart has thought, longitudinal heart unwilling, helpless, flowers finally fall.


Don't comment on my good or bad easily. I haven't eaten a bite of your family.


You finally forced me to this point, no longer cry for losing you, hear all your news strange polite.


I am a wild goose, you are the southern cloud smoke. I hope the mountains and rivers are wide, separated by only a moment.


I like you, from night to dawn, from cold winter to warm spring, from a second to life, endless, reincarnation.


Everyone is not an island. One must be the strongest island in the world before he can be a part of the continent.


What's wrong with putting only one person in the memory? Others, is it necessary for me to pay special attention to it?


When you choose the direction and the way, don't complain. Only when you bear the wind and rain of the journey can you finally hold the rainbow all over the sky.


You have given me great joy, but love is in vain.


Sometimes I feel that people's life is very short, so short that everything is impermanent, and sometimes I feel that people's life is very long, so long that they always like to think.


I can't exhaust my whole life. In other words, it's possible for you.


A person's best state is: full of stories in his eyes, but no frost on his face. Don't envy or laugh at anyone.


I regard you as the only one, but you take me as one of them.


Growth is the movie that makes you cry, from sour nose to plain.


The world also needs useless things, if everything must have its meaning, it will make people breathless.


Flowers bloom on the street, but they can go back slowly.


May there be flowers here, and meet again as before.


I respect loneliness for the rest of my life, and take memories as home.


One's world expand as far as one goes.


I've seen ten miles of spring breeze, seen the end of summer solstice, tried the ripples of autumn light, loved the warm sun in winter, all can't reach you, I want to see you.


If, I know one day will love you so much, I must fall in love with you at first sight.


The wind is very strong in this city, and lonely people always come home late.


If the heart does not move, what can the wind do. If you don't get hurt, the years will be fine.


She's pretty. Immersed in the world of mortals, wonderful books are difficult to write, a paper melancholy account.


At that time, when you were the best, you were the best.


You are willing, is forever. If not, you can say it's just a lie.


It's better to accompany me through every spring, summer, autumn and winter with me.


Everyone can only accompany you for a long time. The best way to remember is not to deliberately maintain, but to let it go.


The most inspiring thing in the world is not respect and equality, but preference.


If there is intoxicating feeling in the city, please let me know. I'll find it and wrap it around the tip of my finger.


All the gloom is left to the past, from the beginning of meeting you, the winter is gone, the Star River is bright.


No matter how small you are, you can leave a long figure in the desert; no matter how small a person is, you can make history sigh heavily.


I'm not sure about my direction, but I hope I can go further.


Today, I would like to borrow some peach blossom wine. Say it across thousands of rivers and mountains. I love you, I love you.


Do not do roses, do your heart weeds, a little wet will wantonly grow, burning, blowing again.


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