时间:2020-07-27 06:44:29当前位置:句子汇 → 英文句子唯美



I really have no way. I can't help losing and owning.


I heard that you for her, waste a elegant, drinking water without tea, from now on, from the soul, half city smoke sand.


I have seen many people, like your hair, like your eyes, but not your face.


There is no longer road than foot, no mountain higher than man.


If you can't let go of the wrong person, you'll never find the right one.


Love is a lifetime of tribulation, not love is a lifetime of regret.


You're never alone. Because there must be a person in the world who is trying to come to you.


Walk for a long time, just to find a happy child. Words reveal, only those memories. Do you still remember?


After the fireworks, the air is full of a strong flavor, proving that it has been brilliant.


One day, you will meet that person, accompany you to listen to every rain in your life.


Once regretted, those sunshine flavor, those clear rain elegant, only one person enjoys.


You say my eyes are as bright as stars, because you are the stars, and I only have you in my eyes.


The world really has this kind of feeling, just looking from afar, will also realize a kind of inexplicable shock, inexplicable moving.


Growth is the movie that makes you cry, from sour nose to plain.


Once upon a time, people became more and more impetuous and did not look like themselves.


The happiest thing is to be loved by you every day.


Others despise us, laugh at our high eyes, laugh at our romantic. I just know that the right person hasn't come yet. I can't be old.


The seven bitterness in the world is the most bitter. I don't believe in heaven and earth, I don't believe in gods and Buddhas. Who can cross me?


Later, smashing the wine bottle didn't exchange for soberness, and dirty oneself didn't exchange for love.


I hope that in the future I can no longer send you home, but we go back to our home together.


I like the flowers in spring, the trees in summer, the dusk in autumn, the sunshine in winter, and you every day.


People squander their youth in the most youthful years, only looking forward to looking back, not regretting.


In the years, the quiet grasp of that rainy season: Qingpin a cup of light tea, read a distant ancient volume, and alone drunk among them.


Nostalgia is always injured, like to take the rest of his life to wait for a word, but you read your old, he can remember how long you.


I would like to spend all my money, just to present you with fire trees and silver flowers; I would like to light up the night sky, just for your brilliant smile.


Who has no story in mind, just learned to control, don't like a disaster, tell others your misfortune.


Always in the early hours of the morning to think of a lot of things, and after dawn forget everything.


No matter how you hide, want to retain the innocence of youth, the years will be mercilessly left on your face ring marks and frost.


Sometimes, I really want to shout, because I'm upset. Sometimes, I really want to be crazy once, because I am confused.


Countless petals gently swaying, accumulating rainbow like dreams, carrying my thoughts.


When a man no longer loves his woman, it is wrong for her to cry, to be silent, to breathe alive, and to die.


Holding hands to look at each other's tears, there is no language to choke.


May you go through thousands of sails and come back as a teenager.


There is no need to mention the past. Life has been full of wind and rain. I just want the wind to stop in the autumn, and I stop at you.


I like you for a long time. I forget what I was like at first.


We are doomed to go apart, towards our uncompromisable future with an alleged  bright hope.


Originally, love and not love, have nothing to do with the outcome, there is a kind of emotion, gaze, is forever.


Take me to the wilderness, or follow me to experience the freshness.


If the poem is destined to only write three lines, what kind of wording should I use to make you unforgettable.


The most inspiring thing in the world is not respect and equality, but preference.


In the journey of fate, everyone's performance time is set. It's fated that when it's time to leave, they will not be willing to leave.


Who is playing flute by the river? It's quiet and lonely, and the world is boundless. The sadness I compose is turned into graceful melody, which is scattered with the wind. 


Empty chant a few words, slow voice, still looking forward to the old man step by step.


You asked the date of your return, but you didn't know when I came back. I'm afraid to become a stranger in the end of the world, and teach us the heartbroken love of our children.


What can be touching is never rhetoric, but just the right gentleness and sincere heart.


Later, I met thousands of people, are not as good as the first time I met you.


I always think it's nothing to be alone. When I see you again, I think it's better to be two.


Life is a rhythm, there must be light and color, left and right, love and rain. The taste is contained in the twists and turns.


Life is like a flower in March. I will spend my whole life thinking about it. Come like flying flowers, scatter like smoke, drunk I don't know the time limit.


It's not because I miss you that I can't sleep, but because I can't help thinking about you.


A person's best state is that his eyes are full of stories, but his face is not full of wind and frost. Don't envy or laugh at anyone.


Love to cry is not not not strong, but can stand up after crying, can soberly understand what kind of road to take.


I always want to control the feelings of you, not thick or light, not light or heavy, but I forget that feelings can not be done.


Maybe the process is a bit of a torment, but really, it's OK to go through it.


If the memory is a square city, then, for you, I am willing to draw a prison, I will be trapped in it.


If a word can not know true or false, let it be true, at least it will not hurt her heart.


All the moments have you, the moment of love, the moment of pain, the moment of parting. You are my world, all my moments.


Thousands of troops are not disordered, I half beat my heart, to the end, I was defeated by you with a smile.


Rose on the road has been thousands of search, but how to meet you do not know.


Green plum half withered, bamboo horse round Zhu, remember that I love people like Zhuo want you.


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