时间:2020-07-27 06:43:04当前位置:句子汇 → 经典唯美英语100句



I really want to ask you, is there a song, when you sing, will think of me.


I remember the people, I met the beautiful, and those past years, how many stories and smiles are always in summer.


One of the many despicable habits of villains is to think that others are as mean as they are.


Today, I would like to borrow some peach blossom wine. Say it across thousands of rivers and mountains. I love you, I love you.


In terms of feelings, I'm very stingy, very jealous, like to think more, but I can't see you and others good, I hope you can remember.


I am very grateful for the one meter sunshine in the afternoon of early winter. When it gently provokes my missing, my heart is so warm.


Some things will make me even more sad.


Ten li peach blossom heart, a paper from the umbrella with a beautiful woman.


There are a lot of people who like you. I'm not missing one. I like very few people, except you.


Later, when I recalled my youth, it was all like you and no one else.


Every relationship can always teach you something. Even if the relationship doesn't let you know what you want, at least it will tell you what you don't want.


Once because of love, the whole heart was taken out to others. And in order to live, but only a stone back into the chest!


The road is long and the water is far away. From then on, the breeze and wine will accompany me, and I will go alone.


Although, the warmth of life has always been far away from us, and we just refuse to pass by.


One person in my life, I would like to use all my life's lofty sentiments just to wait for you and love you alone.


Fortunately, time doesn't flow back, otherwise everything will run towards the old days.


Be gentle, but not compromise. We want to be strong and calm in silence.


At the end of the sea, the sky is the shore, the mountain is the top, I am the peak.


I like money because I haven't suffered from money. I don't know the disadvantages of money. I only know the advantages of money.


It is my heart too Lingding, in order to remember, your ten years of Rong Yin.


We also have good memories, but let the tears dye blurred.


A lot of words can only be told to themselves, but sometimes there are still a few careless leakage.


I never imagined that all things would give him extra light. In the night when I stood alone, he was just the light itself.


The more you fear something in your heart, the more you don't avoid it. Evil is born from your heart. It's the right way to let everything go.


If a man needs happiness from his thoughts, his first desire is to learn.


Floating life is polymorphic. It is determined by destiny. Sorrow and fear have their own time.


Sometimes, you ask questions, the other side has been dodging, that is to tell you tactfully, the real answer is very cruel.


Every time I say I'll never pay attention to you, don't believe me. Do I look like a person with principles.


Like, love, fit, can go down, these are four things.


Although time is medicine, but also three parts of poison, light thinking, negative years.


I often go back to my childhood and think about problems with a childlike innocence. Many vexed problems become easy to solve.


The so-called affectation is clearly in the mood, but to make a look through the world, easily said that his heart is cold.


The long summer is gone. The early autumn in the mountains and fields quietly set foot.


When I learned that you didn't like me, I began to try my best to make you hate me. Anyway, I don't want you to forget me easily.


I wish after seeing all the bustling scenes in the world, when reading between the lines, I can forget others and myself, and enjoy the silent moment.


Where you are, the weather is clear and everything is lovely.


When care and company become a disturbance, loneliness is redemption, rather proud moldy than humble love.


Time unknowingly, we know later.


The greatest tragedy of human beings is that they have created language, but they still can't express what they think. We are dumb with voices.


The most romantic is like this, from know nothing, to have no reservation.


Prosperity through, we know that ordinary is true; looking back on the vicissitudes, just want to be plain as water.


If there comes a day when…. I don't laugh at you anymore. Please remember. You never asked me whether I was happy or not.


I have a secret garden with memories of those years, me and you.


Leaning on the window and listening to the rain, I remember the south of the Yangtze River. When will I join you again to write a piece of Bodhisattva man and accompany you for a long time.


Some things, now it seems like this, but at that time, it was really a person who survived second by second.


Life is a beautiful robe full of fleas.


Born in this world, there is no feeling is not full of holes.


Time can really make people change a lot, including our appearance, our heart.


Will not let themselves lonely, that year saw fireworks, gorgeous.


Sometimes I feel that everything I want to say to you can be written into a book. Later, I found that I did not publish the copyright.


I no longer take the initiative to contact you, not because you are not important, but because I know that I am no longer important.


Meet lovely you, life is not difficult, street or night breeze, are very sweet.


I respect loneliness for the rest of my life, and take memories as home.


Thank the past, cherish the present, look forward to the future, cry to yourself, laugh to others, this is the so-called life.


When you think of the storm, who can stop it. Although it is still in the world of mortals, I will bloom after I spend it.


He alone blocked the sea of people, but I can not love while walking.


See the stone rising from the sky, forming a rainbow like arc.


Words to the mouth but choked, not I don't want to say, is I can't say. I'm tired of being criticized by people I trust.


Sentimental season! Please leave me, I want to live happily, not to let me indulge in the ocean of melancholy again.


There is no doomed failure, there is always a loser. This life, we have compromised too much. Only dream, can't do with it.


Red lotus root fragrance residual jade tube autumn, light release Luo Shang, alone on the blue boat. Who sent brocade books in the clouds? When the wild goose returned, the moon filled the West Tower.


Even if there is no world, as long as you are there, it is happiness; even if you lose everything, as long as you are there, it is everything.


What is taught by others will pass on and die, while what you have learned with your own efforts will follow and help you all your life.


To see the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; to stay unintentionally, to look at the sky clouds rolling cloud Shu.


Since then, the night stars, a long way. Since then, the wind and smoke are incomplete and the shadow is fading. After that, he wandered abroad and wandered far away.


I seem to see the man with the blue umbrella standing in the rain and fog smiling at me.


The sky is not always clear, the sun is not always shining, so occasionally emotional breakdown, also does not hurt.


When I miss you, I look at the sky, but I don't have you.


Learn to speak at the age of three, and shut up all your life. Only when you see through and don't tell, can you continue to be a friend.


Chang'an old dream deep lane, how long can the red wall whitewash. Floating flocculent leaves washed by water, only know the ups and downs of cold and warm.


I like you, is the kind of thought of your name, the heart often tsunami mountain sound like.


I never speak with a sting. If I embarrass you, I mean it.


We smile and boast that we are outside the drama, but actually we have already entered the drama. We are destined to have no escape from the end.


Silently paid all those years, but finally changed back to a pair of crying red eyes.


Sunlight on your face, you quietly read books, tea, and then you will think of me.


Don't aggrieve yourself, the rest of your life from head to toe.


After the past, who can know, a person alone at night. As time goes by, look at the present, brave and blood melting ice heart.


Everyone is not an island. One must be the strongest island in the world before he can be a part of the continent.


Want to take a ride on that kind of military green old train, empty carriage, constantly retreating pine trees, ear whirring wind.


My life is desolate, only remember when I am with you, laugh wantonly, cry heartily.


I don't know why, people who should not think are still missing, maybe they have been used to it, and finally become unforgettable.


Just, I won't pick the peach blossom I love, and I don't want it, too.


I didn't expect that the biggest trouble in the world is a word of love.


With blurred dance steps, follow the last trace of moonlight.


He is like a gust of evening wind, fresh and long gone, to my life, bring 8000 kinds of taste.


When I try my best to meet carelessness, when thousands of ripples meet calm, when I meet you.


Time is too thin, fingers too wide, in the best years, do not let down the most beautiful of their own.


People are very strange, do not like others to cheat themselves, but always like to cheat themselves.


When can I be your wife, a lovely girl like me.


If you have a lover in your heart, you will see passers-by in your eyes.


Man is free only by taking responsibility. This is the essence of life.


The wind can blow a white paper, but can't blow a butterfly, because the power of life lies in disobedience.


Just like a boundless sea of heart, I am trapped in it, only you can cross me. Like the scorching sun, my throat is dry, only you can quench my thirst.


If the story does not twists and turns, how to teach people to grow up, but the story is too long, only the wind to listen to me.


I like the flowers in spring, the trees in summer, the dusk in autumn, the sunshine in winter, and you every day.


Really love a person will feel, you accompany me, I have never envied anyone.


Late at night, the girl stood at the fool's Wharf. You think she's waiting for a boat to cross the sea, but she's waiting for you to pick her up.


It doesn't matter if you can't be found. Gentle people will fly across the sea like the wind.


Not all unforgettable, can exchange two people's same way.


Finally, for the south of the Yangtze River misty rain covered the world, let Hua Xie, but one, the mountains and rivers are forever silent.


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