时间:2020-07-12 10:25:23当前位置:句子汇 → 表白语句英语



I'd rather spend a short life with you than see the vicissitudes of the world alone.


Spring flowers fall into the autumn water, summer shine into the winter mud, since then there is a you in my heart.


Spring breeze ten miles, summer night ten thousand stars, even if there are thousands of kinds of beautiful in this world, it is not as good as your smile.


You are the sun, I am the warm light, I block all the time, only love you.


There is a kind of love, is can only look at the sky alone, lonely to count the stars.


In your eyes, I have too many shortcomings to see that I like you so much.


Time will tell us, simple like the most long-term, ordinary company the most at ease, understand you the most warm people.


The world is a mess, and you are clean and can hang in my heart as the sun and the moon.


Life is plain, but met you, my heart will be surging.


I can't get in touch with you. I don't want to do anything. I just want to wait for you.


I copied the love letter, but it's true to like you. I stole the rose, but it's true that I love you.


Some things can not be rejected, such as loneliness, such as memories, such as falling in love with you.


I was born stubborn, likes and dislikes clearly, so I like you, not on the spur of the moment, is not inconsistent.


You're so ugly, don't go out and hang around. You're obedient and stay in my world. Do you know?


Can cure all kinds of diseases in the world, but only in you, I like you to become a disease, there is no medicine.


Why do my eyes often contain tears, because I love you deeply.


Falling in love with you is not because you give me what I need, but because you give me the feeling I have never had.


When you look at you, you are the only one in your eyes. When you look at others, you are the only one.


It's getting cold. You should cover the quilt and don't catch cold. I can't coax you to take medicine or give you a hug.


If you are a running deer, I would like to be your stream, your forest, you can rely on when you are tired.


How special are you? Thousands of people walk through, even if you are short-sighted, you can be seen.


I may be born a dull, nothing special like, except you.


If I love this year after year, will it be your life.


You see how lucky you are. You can choose to love me or not, but I can only choose to love you or love you more.


The so-called love is that others worry that you will be fat, but I worry that you are not full.


I love you seriously. As soon as I get serious, I feel that I am not bad and my life is not bad.


I do not take the initiative to find you, not because you are not important, but I do not know whether I am important in your heart.


Flowers bloom like a dream, the wind has no trace, but I still can not avoid the heart of missing, send a blessing to you.


You are lucky, because you can choose to love me or not, and I can only choose to love you or love you more.


I love you, love you sincerely in the bottom of my heart, I love you!


You ask me if I treasure you, do you know that there is only one you in the world, how can I not cherish it.


Just not careful, will remember you, eyes close to you, sad and happy want to tell you.


I love the world, I grow up in the world, but compared to you, the world is far from brilliant.


I would like to stay with you until the hill on the ECG becomes the sea.


It's not that I don't have anyone except you! It's just that I don't want anyone but you!


Looking back on the past, I found that I used the whole period of youth to love you, which is the happiest thing I have ever done in my life.


Even though Acacia into the bone, even if doomed, I also treat you like the beginning of the years as before.


Maybe one day we are old, but I still remember when you let me heart.


The universe is in great famine, and the tears are endless. At the end of his life, he was obsessed with being a man.


Willing to accompany you for three generations: a pillow book, a cat in my arms, a lover.


I have a long, long and long story that I need to tell you for a lifetime.


I want to send you a sea of stars, put into all the beautiful dreams, all for you.


I am constantly meeting and losing to learn to grow up, thank you for my growing up years, always have you.


No matter whether it's sunny or cloudy or rainy, the day when I can see you is the most brilliant day.


I will cherish the people who say good morning to me every day, because not everyone can think of me when they open their eyes and wake up.


I will build your happiness, I will give in to your stubbornness, and I will make up for your confusion.


The moon in the sea is the moon in the sky. The man in front of him is the sweetheart, and the heart is always the spectator's heart. However, the man is the dramatist.


I wanted to give you a super cute gift, but the courier didn't want to get into the box.


I am an independent person, but I also need you, need you to love me.


Like to think seven think eight, always want to be with you to old.


You are the most lovely. When I said this sentence, I had no time to think about it, but after thinking about it, I still said so.


There are many kinds of love, like you, is the kind of prepared to spend a lifetime on you.


If you want to leave, don't look back! There are spring and autumn in life. I am not without you!


You are the reason for all my inferiority and timidity, and also the reason why I fly to the fire to make a prison.


There are mountains and rivers in your eyes, more than all immortality in my way.


To the world, you may be just one person, but to me, you are the whole world.


Happiness is that when I want to hug you, you happen to be by my side.


You to me, a little bit, hazy feeling too let me heart.


In fact, I want to go to bed early, but it's easy to think of you before going to bed.


When a person can not have is, the only thing he can do is not to forget.


Can I make a blind date with you, that is, you kiss me and I'll kiss you again.


I have never had you for a moment, but I feel that I have lost you thousands of times.


You use red chopsticks at the wedding; I plant two rows of bamboo on the sunny slope.


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