时间:2020-05-01 05:06:16当前位置:句子汇 → 英语情感句子大全集



Your life will be a lot easier if you are kind, indifferent and caring.


I haven't done anything good or good in my life, but I think the luckiest thing is to meet you.


Don't worry about the incompatibility and disharmony of any constellations. My constellations are designed for you.


I don't want to be a gentle person at all. I just want to be your sweetheart.


It's freezing day, short night, long road, long horse, several lines of letters are unforgettable to you.


All good things are the same, summer ice cream, winter coat, night stars, and you in the world.


If you like, I can climb mountains and mountains. If you like, I can keep the pot for my whole life.


Want to accompany you home, tell you how many puddles there are on the road, and then accompany you to make fun of and say some witty words.


I am not a 100% good person, but I am 100% attentive to you.


You said that ten li peach blossom two people a horse, later thanks to the prosperous life and death speechless.


I will not let my love pass me again! Now I want to tell you loudly: really love you!


Countless petals gently swaying, accumulating rainbow like dreams, carrying my thoughts.


Not without you, I'll have no one. But without you, I don't want anyone.


Love, say it out loud, because you will never know, tomorrow and accident, which will come first!


People's power is limited, we can't be universal, we can only manage ourselves and be responsible for the people we love.


When I am in a bad mood and lose my temper, my husband, please kiss me instead of arguing with me.


I hope you haven't seen anything in the world, only love my face all your life.


You are a responsible person. Add me to your responsibility.


It's not easy to meet you. Maybe there is only one time in my life. How can I miss it easily.


I don't know when I can wait for you, but I want to wait again.


Everyone wants to be happy, not willing to bear the pain, but without a little rain, where to rainbow.


How can I forget you when you are branded in my heart? Time will only wash your love more clearly.


My dear child, quickly dry your tears, I am willing to accompany you on the way home.


The greatest happiness is three things: you believe me, you accompany me, you love me.


If you can get a flower every time you think about it, my world will be a beautiful garden.


I hope that when my white hair and teeth are gone and my face is wrinkled, you will still say that you love me as before.


After knowing each other, I found that I could give so willingly.


No one knows how much I like you, but everyone around me knows that you are the one I talk about every day.


The first time I met you, you are the missing that I can't erase. Dear, I miss you very much, do you miss me as well?


The best time is in the self-study class, you are reading, I am looking at you, different content, but the same intention.


When I see the stars in the sky, I think of your eyes; when I see your eyes, I think of the stars in the sky.


I want to send my missing for you to the scattered stars. I hope the little stars can shine into your window and sleep with you.


You said that there are rivers and seas in the South and old towns in the ancient city. Then I went north with all my life, because there are you in the north.


Many people try to be human beings, but I'm different. I just want to be your sweetheart.


The first kiss can't be used as a guarantee of permanent love, but it is a seal of permanent memory in the history of life.


I met you, I remember you, this city is born for love, you are born for my soul.


For the first half of my life, I wandered around to find you. For the second half of my life, I wandered around to accompany you.


My friend said that I can't do without my mobile phone. In fact, I can't do without you in UKI.


I don't need you to be perfect, I just need you to make me feel that I'm the only one.


As soon as I see you, I want to wag my tail. My grandchildren want to swim to you with their tails wagging.


My lover is the garbage of the world. He steps on the colorful auspicious cloud to go to tiaodi.


How I want to one day, we no longer say good night to each other, but sleep beside each other.


If life is just like the first time, I'd rather that person is not you, the one I'm waiting for is still on the way.


After this day, I will like you a little more, and you will give me a little more joy.


I thought that without you, I could be strong enough to live alone, and finally knew that I couldn't.


Every night when I can't fall asleep, the only thing I can do is to think of you silently in my heart.


More than ambition, premeditated a lifetime of love, from the beginning of meeting you, do not see loess do not die.


You are at a loss in the crowd, but I follow you behind, hand out for fear of mistakes, hand down for fear of missing.


In this life, there is always someone who can't live with you, but you really want to live with him.


One day, your name will appear in my account book.


You are the eye of a tornado. The rough waves outside have nothing to do with you. You are the calm in my heart.


To meet you is fate; to like you is feeling; to love you is happiness; to marry you is happiness.


I want to write ten thousand poor love poems for you. In the future, I will read them to you one by one.


Falling in love with you is the biggest pain in my life. It can't have you every minute!


I'm a fool, but believe me, I didn't mean to. Can you forgive me? dear.


It is said that marriage is the tomb of love, but since I saw you, I am willing to reclaim this cemetery into a garden.


I don't know when I start to see everything about you. I want to whisper something to you, mine.


Can't sleep, want to count a thousand sheep, can count twice, the rest is thinking of you.


Dear, put on more clothes. It's going to cool down. Be careful of catching cold. It's very painful to have an injection.


I will never forget you, the corner of my heart will always have your place.


The heart has been torn, scattered in the air, like flowers have withered, can not be recovered.


One day, you will meet a rainbow of gorgeous people, and heartbeats.


I touched you secretly. Unexpectedly, you spread like a dandelion. After that, you are everywhere.


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