时间:2020-05-01 05:05:59当前位置:句子汇 → 优美英文短句



Come with me, love letters to you, arms to you, keys to you, home to you, for the rest of your life.


You have a strange face. You didn't see it until today. A little sad between us, so short of love.


I'm so excited to think that my life has something to do with you.


I like you, is the kind of think of your name, the heart is prone to tsunami mountain like.


When love turns into love, we are far away from each other.


I hope that one day, I can say good night to you without facing my cell phone, and you are right beside me.


I love you, I would like to be your "sunflower", hand in hand happiness with happiness and you bloom together!


Why hasn't my lover come? I really want to help him choose a Shunfeng and deliver it in three days.


Happiness, perhaps, is that you like to stick to that person, never mind you.


People who miss you will naturally come to you. What you have to do, continue to be the best of yourself, and don't let him down.


Some things are not difficult to do to lose confidence, but because of the loss of confidence to do.


Even if we are not together one day, we should be together. Because we said we would never forget each other.


If you feel that the person you love is good to others, your heart will bang and then your mood will fall.


I will hold you tightly in my arms and kiss you hundreds of millions of times, like a passionate kiss on the equator.


I like flowers in spring, trees in summer, dusk in autumn, sunshine in winter, and you every day.


When you are here, you are everything; when you are away, everything is you!


SMS represents my heart, and the network conveys my feelings; when can a beautiful woman meet, there are bosom friends thousands of miles away.


Every time you open your mouth, it's your name. Every time you open your eyes, it's what you look like.


You have been very sad to tell me that you think you are redundant, in fact, you are really redundant!


Hello, beauty. You are so beautiful. I saw you from a long distance and wanted to say hello to you.


Every morning you wake me up or I wake you up because I want to see you the first time I open my eyes.


At first I just wanted to cheat you, but now I want to keep you old.


What I write best is not traditional Chinese characters, nor regular Chinese characters. It's your name.


You are like this rose. I chose one out of ten thousand. I am honored to love you.


Everyone's heart, there are several unknown wounds, waiting for time to recover.


I always want to give you the best, but I find you are the best in the world.


The happiest thing in the world is that I am making trouble, you are laughing, we spend this ordinary and happy life together.


Emotional search for its models, clothes hanging in the window, there are too many people suitable, there is no one-of-a-kind.


I like you very much. It's not the kind of love that I talk about everyday. It's the kind of love that I can't even think of in my heart.


I want to jump on you, drill into your arms, raise my head and kiss your forehead gently, and say good morning to you.


As if, I'm sorry for him. However, I can't help myself, but no one confides.


In the sea of people, I find you, everything becomes sentimental. From now on, I find beauty and love.


I have nothing but an uncertain tomorrow, an unknown future and you.


I would like to be your sun, shining every day. And you are my moon, lighting up my every night.


I only know whenever and wherever. Good mood, I hope to be with you.


I must have eaten too much salt, or I'll miss you till I'm free.


I would rather spend limited life with you than face eternal life alone.


The so-called sense of security in feelings is actually very simple. Keep a distance with others and keep a deep love with your lover.


Years flow, years steal, toss in your gentle is my endless love, I hope you smile curved eyes.


I like you, not the moon. I wish you well, even if later you have nothing to do with me.


I'm only five years older than you - always five years older than me - well, I always remember that.


When I met you, God said four words in my ear, "I'm doomed.".


True unruly souls don't really care about anything, because they have the king's pride in their hearts.


When happiness knocks on the door, I'm afraid I'm not at home, so I've been very homesick.


I won't say anything, I will only love you with action! Just want to one day you can marry me and be your wife!


From the moment you walk into my life, I am ready to spend my life with you.


You will meet a boy who will hold you in his hand and accompany you like sunrise and sunset.


In this beautiful day, let me accompany you with the most sincere blessing.


Never thought that one day, I would become so indifferent, no longer crazy.


When I met you, God said four words in my ear: doomed.


I like you, my brain and heart. Every organ in my body is saying that I like you.


I want to be your moon in the sky, the snow in the cup, the stars outside the window, the name under the ink, the people in your heart, let you think of me as the only one.


Miss you miss you want to die you, find a painter to draw you, stick you in the cup, drink water everyday and kiss you!


The moon also sneaks into the cloud's arms. How long can you get into my bed?


Want to be a thief, can steal your smile, can steal your heart.


I hope you are the last one, and I will be the one waiting for you at the end.


I love you very much. I don't have time to think when I say it, but after careful consideration, I still say that I love you very much.


If you start to miss me, remember, it's not my own to go, it's your own to let go.


Love you so that I can not lose you, sorry that I can't calm down, can't wait to tell you sorry, can't lose you!


In my heart you are the best to see, whether it is eyelashes or dandruff, every detail is good-looking.


You don't have to be nice. I just like it. I'm not very good, you don't dislike it.


I want to meet you today. I miss you very much at this moment. Location: Civil Affairs Bureau. It's all in one place.


Like a person is not to reply to every TA activity, but to pay attention to the following suspicious comments.


The man who listens to his girlfriend will be successful, so you should listen to her.


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