时间:2022-03-29 13:21:39当前位置:句子汇 → 英语爱情经典语句大全


1、Suddenly fell in love with you, it has nothing to do with the wind and moon.突然喜欢上了你,无关那风月。

2、How clever you are to force me to let go and put the blame on me.你多聪明啊,逼我放手,然后责任全推我身上。

3、Falling in love with you gives me pure hope.恋着你,给了我纯粹的希望。

4、Don't love until you are exhausted, but love until you are heartless.不要爱到精疲力竭,而要爱到没心没肺。

5、There is a kind of pain called missing, which is the embodiment of deep love.有一种疼叫想念,那是深爱的体现。

6、My love is not temporary, you are in it.我的爱不是暂时的,你在它就在。

7、The moon at the bottom of the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of us is the sweetheart.海底月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。


8、All the warm things in the world remind me of you.世上所有温暖的事,都让我想起你。

9、The more intoxicated the concentration, the more tired the depth.越有浓度的陶醉,越有深处的累。

10、I can't explain for a while. Anyway, he did it to me first.一时半会解释不了,反正是他先对我下的手。

11、If there is no love in the world, so much better.如果世界上没有了爱情,那么多好。

12、Do you dare not or cannot love.对于爱情你是不敢还是不能。

13、I just look at the water and miss you.我就这样,一面看水,一面想你。

14、As long as you don't let go, I can love you for a long time.只要你不放手我可以爱你好久好久。

15、I just want to do four things with you every day, three meals a day.每天只想和你做四件事,一日三餐。

16、In the end, I still like you very much.到头来,我还是很喜欢你。

17、It is the most luxurious thing I have ever done to love you with my whole youth.用整段青春去爱你,是我做过最奢侈的事。

18、As long as you are happy, letting go is another kind of happiness for me.只要你幸福,放手对我来说是另一种幸福。

19、Do you know what I belong to? I belong to you!你知道我属什么吗?我属你!

20、In the past, the war was in chaos, and I stumbled with love on my back.前尘往事兵荒马乱,我背负着爱,踉跄而来。

21、Let me love you for two days, the day with you and the day without you.让我爱你两天,有你的那天和没你的那天。

22、Love is very simple. It's rare to meet you halfway.爱很简单,中途遇见,难得是你。

23、The snow falls on the city in the spring and autumn, and the flower's eyes are full of tears.弹指岁月倾城雪,伊人顾花眸潋滟。

24、An egg can be painted countless times, can a love be.一只鸡蛋可以画无数次,一场爱情能吗。

25、There are many ways to be happy. The most direct way is to see you!快乐的方式有很多种,最直接的就是见到你呀!

26、I will never forget the sweet time I spent with you in my life.我和你过的甜蜜时光,我这一辈子都不会忘。

27、When your ring finger shines, when we grow old together.待你无名指发光,待我们一起老去。

28、Deqing loves you so much that you should cherish it all your life.得卿厚爱如斯,自当一生珍惜。

29、No one lives forever, nothing can last forever.没有人永远活着,没有东西可以经久。

30、The first love, the last tears.第一次恋爱、最后一次流泪。

31、Morning and evening go with age, and walk with you to the dawn.朝暮与年岁并往,与你一同行至天光。

32、I'm partial to feelings. Only you have an appetite for me.我对感情偏食,只有你对我的胃口。

33、A haggard face and a pair of red crying eyes.一脸憔悴的面容,一双哭红的眼睛。

34、I love you in this life and this life. This is the order in the afterlife!今生今世爱着你,来世还是这顺序!

35、Having me is the peak of your life.拥有我,是你的人生巅峰了。

36、The wind and moon are romantic, not to mention you.风月都浪漫,更何况是你。

37、If you feel hard, come and hide in my arms.如果你感到辛苦,就来我怀里躲躲吧。

38、Pass through your city again. The old wounds have not yet healed, and new wounds have been added.重新路过你的城,旧伤尚未全愈,又添新伤。

39、The remaining 21 grams of soul is the last way I love you.剩下二十一克的灵魂,是我最后爱你的方式。

40、When you don't care about a person, the best attitude is to ignore.当你不在乎一个人时,最好的态度是无视。

41、No matter where you go or where you come from, true love will last forever.不管署去寒来,真爱永远。

42、I know it's not easy to know you. It would be great to miss it.我知道认识你不容易。错过它会很棒的。

43、Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love. Can you love me all your life.万水千山总是情,爱我一生行不行。

44、I really like you. I don't ask the date of return. It's thousands of miles away.我真的很喜欢你,不问归期,不远万里。

45、Don't be a lovely person, be the one you love.不要做可爱的人,要做你爱的人。

46、Just pretend the wind hasn't blown, you haven't come, I haven't loved.就当风没吹过,你没来过,我没爱过。

47、I still love you, but less persistence to be with you.我还爱你,只是少了非要和你在一起的执着。

48、There are many beauties in the world, but you are the only one I love.世间有百媚千红,唯你是我情之所钟。

49、Fireworks in the world, mountains and rivers are far and wide, no one is you, no one is not you.人间烟火,山河远阔无一是你,无一不是你。

50、Monk Tang just wants to learn from scriptures, and I want to marry you.唐僧只想取经,而我想娶你。

51、His shoulder is yours.他的胳膊是你的枕头,他的肩膀是你的依靠。

52、With the most real yourself, you can meet the person you should be most.用最真实的自己,才能遇见最应该的那个人。

53、Just because you are so beautiful that I can't honestly say I love you.只因你太美好令我无法坦白说出我爱你。

54、Pull a curtain of dreams, Xu Yiqing City, hope to grow old together all his life.挽一帘幽梦,许一世倾城,盼一生偕老。

55、I'm usually sure of things. Now I'm short of a kiss.我做事通常十拿九稳,现在就差你一吻了。

56、My thoughts are far away. Who can replace me.我的思念在远方,谁能代替我收藏。

57、Life has you, smile sweet, happy forever.一生有你,微笑甜甜,快乐永远。

58、I hope you think of me when you are lonely. I love you!希望你在寂寞的时候想想我,我爱你!

59、No one is qualified to hurt you except me.除了我,谁也没有资格伤害你。

60、I said something I shouldn't have said last night. My heart is so cold.昨天晚上说了不该说的话,我的心好冰凉。

61、I can't hold your hand, but I feel your tenderness.握不到你的手,但感觉到你的温柔。

62、You can't eat as a meal, but I can't eat without you.你不能当饭吃,但没有你,我吃不下饭。

63、Poets like distance and wandering. I prefer you and fireworks in the world.诗人喜欢远方和流浪,我偏爱你与人间烟火。

64、Willow catkins follow the wind from west to East, and personnel are all different.柳絮随风各西东,人事无非已不同。

65、I can't give you the whole world, but my whole world is for you.我不能给你全世界,但是我的全世界全都给你。

66、You have spring and autumn in your eyes, which is better than all the mountains and rivers I love.你眼里有春秋,胜过我爱的一切山川河流。

67、If you don't give up your life after you get a ratio, you'd like to be a mandarin duck and not envy an immortal.得成比日不辞死,愿作鸳鸯不羡仙。

68、You are a surprise I will only meet once in my life.你是我这一生,只会遇见一次的惊喜。

69、I know you won't hurt me, so I'm afraid I'll hurt you.知道你不会伤害我,所以我怕会伤害你。

70、Perfect happiness always needs two people to fight for.完美的幸福,始终需要两个人来争取。

71、A woman's life is a history of love.女人的一生就是一部爱情的历史。

72、Thousands of gold longitudinal buy phase, such as Fu, pulse, who tells this situation.千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉。

73、Leave a special scenery for you, in my eyes.留一道特别的风景给你,在我眼里。

74、Knowing you, I know the wonder of fate.与你相识,我知道缘分的奇妙。


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