时间:2021-09-27 10:40:28当前位置:句子汇 → 英语的句子


1、I heard that happiness is very simple. It's as simple as time.听说幸福很简单。简单到时间一冲就冲淡。

2、The feeling is sad. How much cold is clear and how much thought is lost.情之为悲,冷了多少清,落了多少思。

3、With my self-worth as a guarantee, I will never stay up late again from now on.以我颜值做担保,从今以后再也不会熬夜了。

4、Youth is not a time, but a group of people.青春不是一段时光,而是一群人。

5、Some things are better kept in mind than said.有些事还是摆在心里,不要说的比较好。

6、Clouds think of clothes, flowers think of looks, spring breeze blows the sill and dew Huanong.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华侬。

7、If you can carry it by yourself, don't say it. Your affectation is not beautiful.能自己扛就别声张,你矫情的样子不漂亮。

8、To change your destiny, you must first change yourself.要改变命运,首先要改变自己。

9、Review my own fault while sitting alone, never talk gossip while chatting with others.静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人非。

10、I've heard that the girl runs the family well. I'd like to hear it in detail for the rest of my life.听闻姑娘治家有方,余生愿闻其详。

11、I've heard a lot of truth, but I still can't live a good life.听过了很多道理,却依然过不好这一生。

12、You can't say too much. You can't say too much.话不能说的太满,话说太绝,难以圆通。

13、The years hurried by, and the weeds turned to ashes. Looking back on the past, I was a little disillusioned.岁月匆驶,荒草成灰,回想往事,竟有些醒悟。

14、Don't try to be nice to me, or I'll do it.别对我用美男计,否则我将计就计。

15、A simple and warm life is called happiness.简单,而又温馨的生活才叫做幸福。

16、It's hard to get together again. If you stay together, don't look back.再聚首,难相首。若相守,莫回首。

17、The door is separated by flowers, the old sleepwalking, the sunset is speechless, and the swallow returns to worry.门隔花深旧梦游,夕阳无语燕归愁。

18、You stir up a pool of stars and become my moon.你搅散一池星光,成为我的月亮。

19、Don't underestimate yourself, because people have unlimited potential.不要小看自己,因为人有无限的潜能。

20、In the face of love, at least be brave. It's useless to only love secretly.面对爱情,至少要勇敢一些,只暗恋是没用的。

21、Love can be simple, but not casual.爱可以简简单单,但不能随随便便。

22、Feel relaxed and comfortable. Don't be depressed and angry. You can't live with yourself.心情轻松舒畅,不要心郁气结,跟自己过不去。

23、If you want to do a great cause, you must start in your youth.要做一番伟大的事业,总得在青年时代开始。

24、Open the drawer, years spread a layer of ash on the diary of youth.拉开抽屉,岁月给青春的日记铺上了一层灰。

25、If you fight alone, there will be no chaos.一个人孤军奋战,就不会有兵荒马乱。

26、Sunset clouds and solitary ducks fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky.落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。

27、All the bitterness and helplessness will pass over time!所有的辛酸无奈,都会随着时间过去的!

28、I like you, like spring and autumn, begonias bloom.我喜欢你,像春去秋来,海棠花开。

29、Seemingly strong people, the more vulnerable their hearts are.看似坚强的人,内心越是脆弱。

30、May you be prosperous and never leave each other, accompany you and never abandon the ancient Buddha!许你繁华落尽不相离,伴你青灯古佛不言弃!

31、If you live a busy and full life, you won't feel bored.活得忙碌,活得充实,就不会有无聊的感觉。

32、Don't dislike the people who have been with you, and then go with the people who dislike you.别嫌弃一直陪你的人,然后去陪嫌弃你的人。

33、One pot, one lamp, one hazy, one frown, one smile, one dream.一壶一盏一朦胧,一颦一笑一梦中。

34、The vast sea of people met, like a rainstorm in the desert.人海茫茫相遇,像沙漠里下了场暴雨。

35、Let persistence become a habit and give up a luxury.让坚持成为一种习惯,让放弃成为一种奢侈。

36、Dripping water can penetrate the stone, and everything comes naturally. Try hard.滴水能把石穿透,万事功到自然成。努力吧。

37、You know what? Listen to you. I just need to listen to you.你知道吗?听你说话,我只需要听你说话。

38、Changing yourself will be painful, but not changing yourself will suffer.改变自己会痛苦,但不改变自己会吃苦。

39、Where there is hope, pain becomes joy.有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。

40、You are loved by everyone, the flowers bloom when you see them, and the coffin opens when you see them.你人见人爱,花见花开,棺材见了也开盖。

41、There are 100 kinds of dream life, all of which have you.梦想的生活有一百种,种种都有你。

42、The most precious wealth is time, and the waste of time is wasting time.最珍贵的财富是时间,的浪费是虚度流年。

43、The material is not far away, just in a full life.取材不在远,只消在充实的人生之中。

44、Less preset expectations, the care for people will be more comfortable.少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在。

45、Just think that the heart is like a hard stone, but people are not plants after all.只是自以为心若顽石,却终究人非草木。

46、Tomorrow is less and less, yesterday is more and more.明天越来越少,昨天越来越多。

47、Youth is happiness after all, because it has a future.青春终究是幸福,因为它有未来。

48、Every spring in a strange land, Du Qu and Huang Ying can know.年年春日异乡悲,杜曲黄莺可得知。

49、Life can fail, but it can never be defeated.人生可以失败,但绝不可以被击败。

50、Remember, never love others more than yourself and your family.记住,永远不要爱别人超过自己和家人。

51、Be sad all the time and benefit all sentient beings for others.时时刻刻发悲心,饶益众生为他人。

52、When you don't get what you want, you get experience.得不到想要的东西时,你就会得到经验。

53、The way of controlling generals is the most expensive to promote sincerity, not power.驭将之道,最贵推诚,不贵权术。

54、No one can beat me unless I get down first!没有人可以打倒我,除非我自己先趴下!

55、I let people owe me money, which makes me a fool.我让人欠我的钱,这使我做傻瓜。

56、Hate you is not Jiang Lou Yue. The ends of the earth are close to each other.恨君不是江楼月,天涯咫尺两决绝。

57、It's hard to live without money; Money without health is more bitter to live!没钱,活着很苦;有钱没健康,活着更苦!

58、There is no end to the argument in the world. It wins and loses people's hearts.世间的理争不完,争赢了失人心。

59、If you talk too much, you will lose. Give yourself as few opportunities as possible.言多必失,尽量少给自己这种机会。

60、Don't make excuses for failure, just find ways to succeed.不要为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。

61、Have the courage to give up something for the life you want.为了自己想过的生活,勇于放弃一些东西。

62、Don't walk into spring because there is no sunshine.不要因为没有阳光,而不走进春天。

63、You are afraid of one thing, but you still have to do it. That's courage.你害怕一件事,可还是要去做,那才是勇敢。

64、Take it easy, take a deep breath, hold on, carry it.别紧张,深呼吸,坚持住,扛过去。

65、Look down on everything, fame and wealth, money and feelings.一切都看淡些,对名利,对金钱,对感情。

66、If you don't force yourself, others will force you sooner or later.自己不逼自己、别人迟早会逼你。

67、One day husband and wife a hundred days of kindness, so the love between husband and wife should be cherished.一日夫妻百日恩,所以夫妻之情,更应珍惜。

68、Know how to cherish, will last for a long time, know how to be grateful, and then deserve to have.懂得珍惜,才会长久,知道感恩,才配拥有。

69、If you don't walk, you can't guard the fence, step your legs, and climb the mountain.不举步,越不守栅栏,不迈腿,登不上高山。

70、Love is good after all. Although you have suffered, you still have to love in the future.爱到底是好的,虽然吃了苦,以后还是要爱的。

71、One step closer at your feet, your life is boundless.一步近在脚下,一生漫远无边。

72、Time can see a person, money can test a person.时间可以看清一个人,金钱可以考验一个人。

73、It's not good, but it's always guarded.明明清楚是不好的,却一直守护着。

74、If life is a ship, don't park or drift with the tide.假如生命是船,不要停泊,也不要随波逐流。

75、In fact, people who love beauty are just in love with themselves.其实爱美的人,只是与自己谈恋爱罢了。

76、Spring comes so fast, quietly and unconsciously.春天来得好快,悄无声气、不知不觉中。

77、Always be positive, but never be anxious.凡是一定要积极,但绝对不要心急。

78、People will naturally become great when they have big goals.人有了大目标才会自然而然地伟大起来。

79、I chase you, but I have the perseverance to fill the sea with Jingwei.我追你,可是有精卫填海的毅力。

80、Changing yourself is self-help, influencing others, saving others.改变自己,是自救,影响别人,是救人。

81、Serious people change themselves, persistent people change their destiny.认真的人改变自己,坚持的人改变命运。

82、The slack strings will never produce beautiful music.松弛的琴弦,永远奏不出美妙的乐曲。


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