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1、Accumulate eternal love and crush the red Acacia.蓄起亘古的情丝,揉碎殷红的相思。

2、May all those who dream of the distance have thunder in their hearts and live like a quiet lake.愿所有梦见远方的人,心有惊雷,生似静湖。

3、It's not your fault that I can't keep you by my side, but my failure.不能把你留在身边,不是你的过错,而是我的失败。

4、Do you know how deep sorrow is? The ten mile Pavilion is full of flowers.入骨忧伤知不知?十里长亭花落尽。

5、This summer, I feel like I'm wasting my life and dying when I don't go out.这个夏天,不出门感觉在浪费生命,出门感觉在送命。

6、If love is necessary, why ask if it is worth it.如果爱已非爱不可,又何必问它是否值得。

7、There is a kind of love that is very sad, that is, you have no ability to keep him by your side.有种爱情很可悲,就是你没有能力把他留在身边。

8、The softest sunshine in your heart comes from your child like appearance.心底最柔软的阳光、来自于你孩子般的模样。

9、The flowers covered by years bloom, and everything becomes blank.那被岁月覆盖的花开,一切白驹过隙成为空白。

10、On the Bank of the third way River, flowers bloom on the other side. I will stay here until you live forever.三途河畔,彼岸花开,吾将于此,俟汝一生一世。

11、When you wake up, watch the fleeting years, accompany Iraq, and see the Rao of the world of mortals.梦醒时,静观流年,伴伊,看红尘诸饶。

12、People are always tolerant of strangers and picky of familiar people.人们总是对陌生人很宽容,对熟悉的人很挑剔。

13、If you dare to gamble with a lifetime of happiness, I won't let you lose.如果你敢用一辈子的幸福来赌拼了命我也不会让你输。

14、This life is too short to be happy without you.此生固短,无你何欢。

15、If you slap me, I'll give you ten slaps. What I need most is my temper.你打我一巴掌,我还你十巴掌,我最不缺的就是脾气。

16、Let's have a gust of wind! There is tenderness and bravery.做一阵风吧!有温柔也有英勇。

17、You and Xinghe can be collected.你与星河,皆可收藏。

18、Books must be read by choice; People must choose and hand it over; Words must be chosen and heard; The earth must choose and dance.书必择而读;人必择而交;言必择而听;地必择而蹈。

19、Those who can enter my heart, I treat kings; Those who do not enter my heart disdain to be perfunctory.能入我心者,我待以君王;不入我心者,不屑以敷衍。

20、The world is a family. I don't allow others to snore on the side of my bed.天下一家,卧榻之侧朕岂容他人鼾睡。

21、Do what you have to do today, because tomorrow will never come.今天的事情要做完,因为明天是永远不会来临的。

22、Or natural beauty; Or be naturally motivated.要么天生丽质;要么天生励志。

23、We should have the courage to admit our mistakes and bear the responsibility they bring.要勇于承认自己所犯的错误,并承担其带来的责任。

24、The moment you announce your results, you are most prone to heart disease.公布成绩的那一刻,最容易得心脏病。

25、Reading the smoke and fire in the world warms the hearts of the people in the city.阅人间烟火气,暖城中故人心。

26、I hope someone can understand your implication and your desire to stop talking.希望有人懂你的言外之意,更懂你的欲言又止。

27、Youth is like this, so noisy, but finally silent to no one knows.青春就这么回事,那么喧嚣,最后却沉寂到无人知晓。

28、If things backfire, I believe there must be other arrangements.如果事与愿违,就相信一定另有安排。

29、The first person in my heart is you. Before, now, and in the future.我心里的第一个人是你。以前,现在,将来。

30、The dark shadow appears suddenly, the laughter is in the ear, and the raging fire will isolate the vitality together?黑影突现,嘲笑在耳,熊熊烈火将隔绝一起生机?

31、It is difficult to reply to your inquiry at present. Please be generous.所询之事,目前尚难奉复,敬请宽裕为怀。

32、The formation of good habits lies in not being tempted by bad habits.好习惯的养成,在于不受坏习惯的诱惑。

33、In this life, I missed the floating life, but I don't want to miss your time.这一世,我错过了浮生,却不想错过你的年华。

34、Good night. I wish you could keep awake at night.晚什么安,我巴不得你想我想得夜不能寐。

35、Only those who learn to grasp happiness with wisdom can live a happy life.学会用智慧抓住幸福的人,才能一生幸福。

36、Leaving is not to separate, but to meet again with the most beautiful attitude.离开不是为了分别,而是为了以最美的姿态再度重遇。

37、This world, this is their own snow, each has his own obscurity and brightness.这世间,本就是各自下雪,各人有各人的隐晦和皎洁。

38、Even if every day is ordinary, I feel that life is lovely.哪怕每一天都过得稀松平常,也觉得生活可爱。

39、Mang smiled and looked through a thousand years, several times to know the king to the world.茫一笑望穿一千年,几回知君到人间。

40、Ice bone is cold and thin. When the jade man first went to Magnolia.冰骨清寒瘦一枝。玉人初上木兰时。

41、Dandelion pursues not only the sky, but also a freedom.蒲公英追逐旳不只是天空,还有一份自由。

42、In that long sea of people, we are always one step short.在那漫漫人海中,我们总是只差一步。

43、When the remnant star is, the wild geese cross the plug, and the flute sounds. People lean against the building.残星几点雁横塞,长笛一声人倚楼。

44、Husband, I love you very much. Don't give up on you all your life.老公我爱你,很爱,一辈子都不要放弃你。

45、You're the one I'm still excited about.你是我褪去新鲜感任仍然心动的人。

46、For you, I have surrendered unconditionally. Just sign a love contract.对你,我已经无条件投降了,你就签下爱情合约吧。

47、Because it is plain, there is no memory. Because I have no memory, I miss you.因为平淡,所以没有记忆。因为没有记忆,所以想你。

48、The heart of excellence does not have to be gorgeous, but it must be strong.优等的心,不必华丽,但必须坚固。

49、Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。

50、You have a new love. I'm not even an old love.你有新欢了,我连旧爱都不是。

51、But in the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain. Suddenly I turn my back, she gleams in sparse and obscure lights.众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。

52、Don't lose your soul. When you see the red and wet place at dawn, your children will touch the towel together.莫道不消魂,晓看红湿处,儿女共沾巾。

53、No matter how hard you work, you should be patient and wait for the opportunity.再辛苦也要忍耐等待时机。

54、Hope is like fire and disappointment is like smoke. Life is lighting and smoking at the same time.希望如火,失望如烟,生活就是一边点火,一边冒烟。

55、A loving heart is connected without words.相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。

56、Only when you are sad can you read love, and only when you are lonely can you say love.悲伤才念情,寂寞才说爱。

57、Just be yourself. Those who love you naturally love you.就做你自己,爱你的人自然爱你。

58、Don't be depressed. Life is like an electrocardiogram. If everything goes well, you'll die.别沮丧,生活就像心电图,一帆风顺证明你就挂了。

59、If you praise people every day, people will not value my words.若日日誉人,人必不重我言矣。

60、Don't choose comfort when you should struggle most.别在最应该奋斗的时候选择了安逸。

61、Sleepiness is just one word. I only say it once. You know I can only express it by dozing.困就一个字,我只说一次,你知道我只会用瞌睡表示。

62、The heart always recovers when it is in the most pain; Love always comes to an end when it is deepest.心总是在最痛时,复苏;爱总是在最深时,落下帷幕。

63、May the flowers bloom and the moon grow round, and may lovers share the beauty of the moon.愿花常开月长圆,愿有情人共婵娟。

64、Clink a cup and get drunk alone. After drinking the flying snow, I am at a loss for another age.碰杯独醉,饮罢飞雪,茫然又一年龄。

65、If you walk alone, you won't overflow.款款独行,才不致倾溢。

66、Want to be a sailor of the Star River and take you through the whole universe.想做星河的水手,带你漫游整个宇宙。

67、A man's inherent death is either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。

68、It's old to think of you, but it's too late. Abandon the silk, don't reply, and try to add food.思君令人老,岁月忽已晚。弃绢勿复道,努力加餐饭。

69、Money is subsidized according to its ability, and work hard.银钱则量力资助,办事则竭力经营。

70、If a woman doesn't love me, I'll write your name on my back.女人要是不爱我,我就把你的名字写到背上去。

71、May you be a fire hidden in ice. I hope someone can understand your external cold and internal heat.愿你是藏在冰里的火,希望有人懂你的外冷内热。

72、All luck is the accumulation of kindness.所有的幸运,都是善良的积攒。

73、My concubine's hair was covered with flowers at the beginning, and she played in front of the door. Lang rode a bamboo horse to get green plum around the bed.妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。

74、Even if you are young and romantic, you can draw, but it is also popular, and your bones are difficult to expand.纵是年少风流可入画,却也自成风骨难笔拓。

75、After eating, on the day of the bright moon, I slept among the reed flowers and had nothing to worry about.吃完后,明月当天,就睡在芦花当中,了无牵挂。


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