时间:2022-05-21 14:04:06当前位置:句子汇 → 文案句子英语伤感


1、I love you, just love a whole once.我爱你,只是爱了整整一个曾经而已。

2、Recalling the past, painful Acacia can't be forgotten.回忆过去,痛苦的相思忘不了。

3、Lovelorn is like permed hair, comfort is just warm nonsense.失恋就像烫坏的头发,安慰只是温暖的废话。

4、I don't like McDonald's. I don't like KFC.我喜欢麦当劳,你喜欢肯德基,我们不合适。

5、But you know, I'm not him, and I can't be him.不过你要知道,我不是他,我也做不了他。

6、You always inadvertently take away all my strength.你总是在我不经意间,拿走我一切的坚强。

7、Your eyes are as beautiful as flowers.你的眼睛,如花般斑斓。

8、The panic of life, the surrender of the heart.人生的慌张,心中的投降。


9、Don't worry. Take a big step. I won't chase. I'm really tired.放心大步走吧我不追了,我真的很累。

10、I can't sleep in the middle of the night. I go to the convenience store to buy some delicious food and take it home.大半夜睡不着,去便利店买点好吃的带回家。

11、Can't get together, can't be separated, can't let go, but have to let go.合不来,分不开,放不下却不得不放开。

12、Every night I pray that we will be reunited one day.每天晚上都在祈祷我们有天能破镜重圆。

13、Instead of praising Yao instead of Jie, it's better to forget both and change their ways.与其誉尧而非桀也,不如两忘而化其道。

14、Whose sin is deeper than me, but I love you and let you go.谁的罪孽有我深,我爱你却放了你。

15、Everyone has done all the ugly things in the world with the word love.大家顶着爱这个词,干尽了人间丑事。

16、If love is wrong, will it be laughed at?爱的错了,还要被嘲笑吗?

17、You can't bear him. Never say you don't love him.你舍不得他,永远别说不爱他。

18、Maybe you're just an episode, but I treat you as the only one.或许,你只是个插曲,我却当作唯一来对待。

19、It's not that I don't want to fall in love, but I'm afraid of giving it to the wrong person again.不是不想恋爱,只是怕再次把认真给错人。

20、The world is so big that you can't love it alone.世界那么大,又不是你一个人爱而不得。

21、A woman who can't break up, a man who can't leave.不能分手的女人,不能离开的男人。

22、Miss once, restless mood.想念曾经,不安分的情绪。

23、You say you love someone you shouldn't love. Your heart is full of scars.你说你爱了不该爱的人你的心中满是伤痕。

24、I only hate to see beauty like jade at first, but also hate that the world is too hasty.只恨初见美如玉,更怨人间太匆匆。

25、Some people can be easily wiped away by time, just as dust.有些人是可以用时间轻易抹去的,犹如尘土。

26、The first time I got drunk for you, the last time I broke my heart for you.第一次为你喝醉,最后一次为你心碎。

27、That love song is about the wind and moon, but it has nothing to do with you and me.那首情歌有关风月、却无关你我。

28、If you have a small mind, you will have more troubles, a large mind and rich wisdom.心量狭小,则多烦恼,心量广大,智慧丰饶。

29、Swing this body without spirit. That's enough.摇摆这没有带出精神的身体、这样就够了。

30、The world is so decadent that love is beyond recognition.世界如此颓废,爱情面目全非。

31、Let go of those who don't have you in their heart.心里没有你的人,就放手吧。

32、I'm not sorry. My love is not humble.我没什么不好意思,我的爱不卑微。

33、The people who used to watch the sunset with me are scattered at the end of the world.曾经陪我看落日的人,散落在了天涯。

34、Smile can deceive others, but heartache can't deceive yourself.笑容可以瞒过别人,可心痛却骗不了自己。

35、Come back quickly. I can't come alone.你快回来,我一人忽悠不来。

36、Remember me? The one who loved you deeply.还记得我吗?那个曾经深爱过你的人。

37、When the world abandons you, you know what is treasure.当全世界抛弃你时,你才知道什么叫珍惜。

38、Drinking the moon thousands of feet, lonely night into Acacia, difficult to wave a wisp of love.饮月千尺,寂夜成相思,难挥情丝一缕。

39、I stand piously in front of you and confess everything.我虔诚地站在你的面前,忏悔一切。

40、Miss the past, miss that time together.想念着从前,怀念着那一段在一起的时光。

41、The whole world is urging me to grow up, but no one asks me if I'm tired.全世界在催着我长大,却没有人问我累不累。

42、Youth refers to quicksand, old for a period of time.芳华是一指流沙,苍老了一段年华。

43、Chinese New Year is not friendly for single dogs at all.过年对于单身狗来说,一点也不友好。

44、We haven't seen each other for a long time.我们好久不见,好久不念。

45、No wonder the oath is too frivolous, only that time is too realistic.不怪誓言太轻薄,只怪时间太现实。

46、We once held each other tightly, but we also had to let go.我们也曾紧紧相拥,却也要放手。

47、Don't see each other for the rest of your life!一别不再见,余生各自安!

48、We write down the ending without ending on a quiet rainy day.我们在安静的下雨天、写下没有结局的结局。

49、I can't beat your tears, you can't beat my praise.我敌不过你的眼泪你敌不过我的赞美。

50、No matter how beautiful it was, all it left was hurt.再美的曾经,留下的,也只有伤害。

51、Later, I became addicted to staying up late and finally got used to no one cares.后来熬夜成瘾,终于习惯没人关心。

52、My heart is full of joy, and it's time to come to an end.我的满心欢喜,也该告一段落了。

53、Flashing tears, unspeakable sadness.闪动的泪光,说不出的悲伤。

54、Only when you are sad can you read love, and only when you are lonely can you say love.悲伤才念情,寂寞才说爱。

55、Born with an ordinary life, he contracted a disease he didn't want to deal with.生来便是平凡的命,却染上不愿将就的病。

56、You walked into me carelessly and destroyed me quietly!你漫不经心的走进我,又不动声色的毁了我!

57、People's understanding of human nature has nothing to do with whether they are handsome, beautiful or not.人心对人性,与帅不帅、靓不靓、无关。

58、In fact, he is very ordinary, but he is very special in my eyes.其实他很普通啊,只是在我眼中很特别。

59、Once you said you were afraid of me leaving, but now?曾经你说你害怕我离去,那么现在呢?

60、Mature. It's so small in my mind.成熟。在我的思想里竟是那样的渺小。

61、I don't want to use loss to teach me how to cherish.我不想用失去,来教我如何珍惜。

62、Always bite, otherwise we will be scarred.时刻会咬人,不然我们怎样会是伤痕累累。

63、You leave so naturally like the season.你像季节一样,离开的那么自然。

64、I want to hold your hand, from heart, to antique.我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀。

65、It doesn't matter over and over again, with unbearable load again and again.一遍遍的无所谓有着一次次的不堪负重。

66、Do you like me or the process my parents made me.你是喜欢我,还是喜欢我爸妈制造我的过程。

67、When I was a child, the pillow was full of saliva, and when I grew up, the pillow was full of tears.小时候枕头都是口水,长大后枕头都是泪水。

68、From now on, we will go our separate ways and never look back.从今以后,分道扬镳,互不回头。

69、Pulling it out will hurt and swallowing it will die.拔出来会痛,咽下去会死。

70、We've been through so much, and all that's left is pain.我们经历了这么多,最后剩下的只是伤痛。

71、I don't know how to give up. I have to continue to indulge.不知道要怎么放弃,我只有继续沉迷。

72、When I do things, I become afraid of my head and feet.什么时候,我做事,也变得畏首畏脚了。

73、A person who disappoints you can't disappoint you only once.让你失望的人,怎么可能只让你失望一次。

74、Life is like a play. Things are changeable. Please have fun.人生如戏世事无常,请玩个尽兴。

75、Time passes, a glass of muddy wine, forget today, unforgettable you.时过境迁,一杯浊酒,忘了今朝,难忘你。

76、You are indifferent when I love you, and you are ready to move when I leave.我爱你时你无动于衷,我离开后你蠢蠢欲动。

77、Sometimes in life, not taking risks is more dangerous than taking risks.人生中,有时不去冒险比冒险更危险。

78、Sunflower, a flower grinning at the sun.向日葵,一朵对着太阳咧嘴傻笑的花。

79、Sometimes, helplessness is also a kind of beauty.有时候,无奈也是一种美。

80、Later, the only way we could contact was to like it.后来,我们唯一联系方式就是点赞。

81、You go quickly before I say I can't bear it.你快走,趁我还没说舍不得。


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