时间:2021-10-27 12:37:12当前位置:句子汇 → 英文经典台词


1、Everyone will die, but not everyone has really lived.每个人都会死,但并非每个人都曾真正活过。——《勇敢的心》

2、Life and self are not used to overcome, but to get along.人生与自我都不是用来战胜的,而是用来相处的。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

3、If you really love it, you should plant it in the ground. It will have roots.如果你真的爱它,你应该把它种在地里,它会有根的。——《这个杀手不太冷》

4、The meaning of success lies not in what you want to get, but in how far you have gone from the starting point of that struggle.成功的含义不在于要得到什么,而在于你从那个奋斗的起点走了多远。——《心灵捕手》

5、I find you very charming. Your overconfidence also tells me that you feel the same about me. But there are ceremonies. We must participate in a series of impractical activities before we can communicate.我发现你非常的迷人。你的过分自信也告诉我,你对我有着同样的感觉。但是还有典礼,我们必须在我们可以交往之前,参加一系列不切实际的活动。——《美丽心灵》

6、I have never felt inferior because our family is worse than others, and I have never been confused by the poverty of my family. I know my family is not rich, but I think I have everything.我从未因为我们家比别人家差而感到自卑,我也不曾为我家的清贫而感到困惑。我知道我家并不富有,但是我觉得应有尽有,什么都不缺。——《怦然心动》

7、Mom always said that death is a part of life. I really hope not.妈妈总是说死亡是生命的一部分,我真的希望不是这样。——《阿甘正传》

8、Envy people who are luckier than them.嫉妒比他们更幸运的人。——《小丑》

9、You once told me that my smile is a disease. It's my fault. Actually not, that's the real me!你曾告诉我,我的笑是一种病,是我有毛病。其实不是,那就是真实的我!——《小丑》

10、I used to think my life was a tragedy. Now I mean, it's a comedy.我曾经认为我的生活是一出悲剧,现在我意思到,它是喜剧。——《小丑》

11、Don't think I don't understand love, my stomach knows. It used to hurt, but now it's really warm.不要以为我不懂爱情,我的胃知道。它以前老是痛,现在确是暖暖的。——《这个杀手不太冷》

12、Let you decide right and wrong, and let you decide what's funny or not!让你们决定是非对错,也让你们决定什么好笑或不好笑!——《小丑》

13、Never regret falling in love with you. The longer you go, the more you cherish it. If time can flow back to the past, I must make a love song with you again, because you are the only one in my life.从不后悔爱上你,走得越久越珍惜。若时光能流转回到过去,我也一定还要与你再共谱恋曲,因为,你就是我今生的唯一。——《这个杀手不太冷》

14、Years engrave aging on your face, but scrape away memories at the bottom of my heart. Growth is a last resort.岁月在你脸上刻下衰老,却在我心底刮走回忆。成长是不得已的告别。——《这个杀手不太冷》

15、Sitting on a tree, away from the ground, blown by the wind, is like your heart being hit by beauty.坐在树上,远离地面,被风吹拂着,就像你的心被美撞了一下。——《怦然心动》

16、On this rock, I will build a temple!在此磐石之上,我将建起殿堂!——《变形金刚》

17、She said I have a mission to bring laughter to the world.她说我有个使命,为世界带来欢笑。——《小丑》

18、I never break the rules, but try to misinterpret them!我从不破坏规则,而是尽量曲解它们!——《变形金刚》

19、You have to be fooled every time.你每次都要上当。——《老友记》

20、It's beautiful there, but you're more beautiful.那里很美,但是你更美。——《勇敢的心》

21、It's an inner thing that they can't reach or touch. It's yours.那是一种内在的东西,他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。——《肖申克的救赎》

22、Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what will be next.生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种。——《阿甘正传》

23、From that day on, if I want to go somewhere, I run.从那天起,如果我要去什么地方,我跑着去。——《阿甘正传》

24、I want to be a happy person, sleep in bed and take root. I won't let you be alone again.我想要做一个快乐的人,睡在床上,落地生根,我不会再让你孤单一人。——《这个杀手不太冷》

25、When you meet bad people, scatter my ashes and let me protect you again.当你遇到坏人时,把我的骨灰撒出来,让我再保护你一次。——《这个杀手不太冷》

26、Does he know who's calling?他知道是谁打来的吗?——《老友记》

27、Avoidance and distrust is because I was abandoned by someone who should love me.躲避和不信任,是因为曾经被应该爱我的人遗弃。——《心灵捕手》

28、I don't know whether we all have our own destiny, or just like the wind, everything is accidental. But I think maybe there are both sides, maybe both sides will happen at the same time.我不知道我们是否都有各自的命运,抑或只是像风一样一切都是偶然。但我想也许两面都有,也许两面会同时发生。——《阿甘正传》

29、She is my best friend, my only friend!她是我最好的朋友,我唯一的朋友!——《阿甘正传》

30、You can understand everything in the world, but the only way to trace the source is to try it yourself.你可以了解世间万物,但追根溯源的唯一途径便是亲身尝试。——《心灵捕手》

31、They think we will bear it silently, just like obedient children!他们以为我们都会默默承受,就像听话的小孩一样!——《小丑》

32、Only those who do stupid things are called fools.只有做傻事的人才被称为傻瓜。——《阿甘正传》

33、If you really love it, you should plant it in the park, then it will have roots.如果你真爱它,你应该把它种到公园里,那它就会有根了。——《这个杀手不太冷》

34、Promise me one thing, if you haven't reached the top of the mountain and I'm dead, you'll take me as food.答应我一件事,如果还未到山顶,而我已经死去,你要把我当作粮食。——《楚门的世界》

35、I can't tell where the sky begins and where the ground begins. So beautiful.我分辨不出哪里是天空开始的地方,哪里是地面开始的地方。那么美。——《阿甘正传》

36、You're just a child. You don't know what you're talking about.你只是个孩子,你根本不知道你在说什么。——《心灵捕手》

37、You are a smart man and should go out. People should enjoy the world instead of trying to understand it.你是一个聪明人,应该走出去。人应该享受这个世界,而不是企图理解这个世界。——《楚门的世界》

38、He is my best friend. He is always happy and never asks questions. It's like me. You see, there's no root.它是我最好的朋友,总是快乐,从不提问。它就像我一样,你看,没有根。——《这个杀手不太冷》

39、Lovers come and go in life, but friends are always friends.生命里恋人们来来去去,但朋友永远是朋友。——《老友记》

40、Sometimes the world is fake, but there is no lack of people who treat us.有时候世界是假的,但是并不缺少对待我们的人。——《楚门的世界》

41、If we become as bad as them, what's the point of survival.如果我们变得和他们一样坏,生存有什么意义。——《西部世界》

42、A vacation is to go somewhere else and never return.度假就是去别的地方,一去不回。——《阿甘正传》

43、The only constant in the world is change. You can't wait until everything is ready.这世界唯一的不变就是变,你不能等到一切准备就绪再出发。——《阿甘正传》

44、Hope is a beautiful thing, maybe the best thing, and no good thing ever dies.希望是件美丽的东西,也许是最好的东西,而美好的东西是永远不会消逝的。——《肖申克的救赎》

45、When I told others when I was a child that I wanted to be a comedian, everyone laughed at me. Now no one is laughing!当我小时候告诉别人我想当一个谐星,大家都笑我,现在没人在笑了!——《小丑》

46、One day you will meet a rainbow like person. When you meet this person, you will feel that others are just clouds.有天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人只是浮云而已。——《怦然心动》

47、You should let things go and enjoy life as much as possible.你应该随遇而安,尽可能地享受生活。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

48、You can do anything, but you can't die.你什么都能做,就是不可以死去。——《西部世界》

49、It turns out that only when danger comes will we understand that the courage to express is the most precious.原来,只有当危难降临的时候,我们才会懂得,敢于表达的勇气,才是最珍贵的。——《怦然心动》

50、Sacrifice is inevitable for peace on this planet. We cannot let mankind pay for our mistakes. It's an honor to fight with you so far. Autobot, let's go!为这星球的和平,牺牲是在所难免的。我们不能让人类为我们的错误而偿命。很荣幸与你们共战至今。汽车人,出发!——《变形金刚》

51、What kind of person do you want to be in the future?你以后想成为什么样的人?——《阿甘正传》

52、Sometimes, a little uneasiness at the beginning can save a lot of pain for the future.有时候,一开始的一点点不安,可以为往后省下许多痛苦。——《怦然心动》

53、Death is a part of life. It's what everyone is destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是所有人命中注定的事。——《阿甘正传》

54、I was once considered a great beauty.我曾经被认为是一个伟大的美。——《布达佩斯大饭店》

55、Also, Andy, if you really go to the south, please look at the stars, touch the sand, play in the water and feel completely free after the sun goes down.还有,安迪,如果你真的到了南方,请在太阳下山以后,替我看看星星,摸摸沙子,在水中嬉戏,感受完全自由的感觉。——《肖申克的救赎》

56、There is more than one God. Hundreds of gods need to be feared. We are all introduced to God.神不止一个,成百上千的神,都需要敬畏,我们都是经引荐接近神。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

57、For a moment, everything in the past is gone from you, leaving only memories.一瞬间,过去的一切都离你而去,剩下的只有回忆。——《肖申克的救赎》

58、For people in prison, time is slow. Sometimes you even think time has stopped, but time still passes bit by bit.对坐牢的人而言,时间是缓慢的,有时你甚至认为时间停摆了,但时间还一点一滴地流逝。——《肖申克的救赎》

59、It doesn't matter whether the young man is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they can match each other.那个小伙子是否完美,或者那个姑娘是否完美都不重要,只要他们能珠联璧合。——《心灵捕手》

60、You have to put the past down before you go forward.你得在向前走之前放下过去。——《阿甘正传》

61、Everyone will be entangled by the past, but I'm used to ignoring them.每个人都会被过去所缠绕,只是我已经习惯不理会他们了。——《美丽心灵》

62、Put down your baggage and move on.放下包袱,继续前进。——《阿甘正传》

63、Don't let others say that he is better than you. If God wants people to be equal, he will give us all leg hoops.别让别人说他比你强,如果上帝的旨意要人平等,他会给我们所有人腿箍。——《阿甘正传》

64、I was really excited, completely.我确实怦然心动了,彻彻底底的。——《怦然心动》

65、Don't listen to me, listen to the inner call, whether this is the desired result.别听我说,听内心呼唤,这是否想要的结果。——《怦然心动》

66、Reason works well when looking for food, clothes and cover. Reason is the best toolbox. But if you are too rational, you may let the universe go with the bath water.理智在找食物,找衣服,找遮盖的时候很管用,理智是最好的工具箱。可是理智过了头你就可能把宇宙跟洗澡水一起放掉。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

67、I have nothing to lose, nothing can hurt me.我已经没什么可以失去的了,没有什么能伤害到我。——《小丑》

68、A diploma doesn't necessarily make a person, just as a prison career doesn't necessarily break everyone.一纸文凭不见得就可以造就一个人,正如同牢狱生涯也不见得会打垮每一个人。——《肖申克的救赎》

69、Life comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。——《肖申克的救赎》

70、You can't focus on what's wrong. We can always find a solution.你不能把注意力集中在错事上,我们总能找到解决办法的。——《头脑特工队》

71、But the most painful thing is that I didn't say goodbye.但是最让人心痛的是,我没能好好地道别。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

72、Don't come near me, I'll drive you away before you leave.别靠近我,我会在你离开之前把你赶走。——《心灵捕手》

73、People only feel the value of life when they are facing death.人只有在面临死亡的时候,才感到生命的可贵。——《这个杀手不太冷》

74、From the moment I met you, my heart pounded.遇见你那刻起,我便怦然心动了。——《怦然心动》

75、Class will dull your brain and destroy your great creative potential.上课会让你大脑变迟钝,会毁掉富有重大创造性的潜能。——《美丽心灵》

76、Because I love too much, I live myself as you.因为过于深爱,所以我把自己活成了你。——《这个杀手不太冷》

77、System is a very strange thing. At first, people resist it, then get used to it, and finally, they can't live without it.体制是一个很奇怪的东西,一开始,人们抗拒它,后来慢慢习惯它,到最后,离不开它。——《肖申克的救赎》

78、Is life always so difficult, or is it because you're just a child?生活总是这么难,还是因为你仅仅是个孩子?——《这个杀手不太冷》

79、I told you never to trust us. We are just mortals. We will disappoint you in the end.我告诉过你,永远不要信任我们。我们只是凡人,我们终究会让你们失望。——《西部世界》

80、Doubt is powerful. It keeps faith alive.怀疑作用巨大,它使信仰永葆活力。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

81、Don't let others say they are better than you. If God wants everyone to be the same, he will give everyone a double leg support.不要让别人说他们比你强,如果上帝要让人人都一样的话,他会给每人一双脚支架。——《阿甘正传》

82、Your heart is free. Follow it with all your courage.你的心灵是自由的,用尽勇气去追随吧。——《勇敢的心》


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  • 1、独孤求败2、你走远3、放纵思念侵袭4、多余感情5、回忆似酒6、甘心入戏7、遥远星河8、忆挽青笙尽9、等待一切尘埃落定°10、深爱成碍11、伤透了也看透了12、简简单单的小幸福13、往事不要再提14、伤、独奏悲曲15、愿无悲喜16、勿忘@曾經有個傻瓜你17、我想我疯了。18、往事如烟吹不散...

  • 抖音伤感八字
  • 1、思念无果,转瞬滂沱。2、冷静下来,细数流失。3、家人闲坐,灯火可亲。4、放不下你,是我活该。5、落花有意,流水无情。6、你消失在,无名大街。7、红尘不懂,我的心酸。8、花季温暖,眼眸情愫。9、生平至此,欢喜是你。10、一个人的,尘世清欢。11、世界太暗,人心太黑。12、若许一世,为何负情。13、...

  • qq等你回来伤感说说大全
  • 1、习惯了不该习惯的习惯,却执着着不该执着的执着。有时候,在乎得太多,对自己而言也是一种折磨。2、伤心是伤心,颓废是颓废,伤心是因为过去,颓废毁灭的却是未来。永远不要拿颓废当伤心,用未来为过去陪葬。3、我们在梦里走了许多路,醒来后发现自己还在床上。4、思念那种痛,会蛰伏在每一个寂寞的夜里,它会趁人不...

  • 40岁人的激励语句
  • 1、走不完的路,看不遍的风景。总有人陪着你,也总有人离开你。2、我们靠结果生存,不可能靠理由生存,没有结果我们不可能生存。3、天天晨练不仅为了健身,也为了体现生命的倔强。4、我要把人生变成科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。5、请再努力一下,为了你想见的人,想做的事,想成为的自己6、教育不是注满一桶水,而...